Mcleese Lake


250 302 2180

Mcleese Lake Recreation Commission
Regular Board Meeting Minutes

OCT 4, 2022


Call to Order at 7:05 PM

Members Present:

  • Andrew Walker (President)
  • Malyna Apple Senger (Secretary)
  • Judy Boyetchko (Director & Events Committee Chair)
  • Clint Engelhart (Director)
  • Dana Crowley (Treasurer)

Members Absent and Reason:

  • Eva Loewen (Director)
  • Kate McAlister (Director)
  • Ian Hicks (Vice President)

Guests: Matthew Watson, Ty Lane, Steve Forseth


Additions or Deletions to the Agenda?

Additions to new business

  1. Ian’s Notes
  2. Ty Lane Introduction


Motion to adopt agenda as amended:

First: Andrew

Seconded: Dan

Motion is carried. 


Adoption of Meeting Minutes from Sept 6 Regular Board Meeting

Any errors or omissions?

Motion to accept minutes: 

Unanimously passed by Board


Correspondence (Mail or Email)

Secretary’s Correspondence: none at this time

Treasurer’s Correspondence: 

– Heard from Coral, who will revamp the contract to be more legal. We will continue to use the current one. 

– New gaming account open with the credit union. Dana will apply for the gaming grant with the BC government. We could possibly get a new playground with the grant funding. 

– Getting quote from Peter Bros Paving in the next few weeks. 

– Clint is getting a quote on eaves with snow guards.


Treasurer’s Report

(Available upon request)

Summary of Accounts:

  • Bank Balance $ 59,367.12
  • Beautification $ 100.10
  • Capital Accounts Balance $ 39,511.18
  • Hall Rental Balance $ 14,876.21
  • Credit Union Equity Shares $ 299.00
Recent spending and cheques received discussed: CRD reimbursement, pest control, extra letter signs, BC Hydro, and reimbursement to Dana for speakers, halloween decorations, etc. Donation from reason to run from Candace Miller of +2K.
Motion to purchase a secondary BBQ to help support events like Reason to Run (cooking). 
First: Dan
Seconded: Andrew
Motion is carried. 
Review of the five year plan submitted to CRD. 
Upcoming Hall rentals:
We are half booked for Summer already.
Motion to move some money out of the rental account to the general account. 
First: Andrew
Seconded: Clint
Motion is carried. 

Motion to accept treasurer’s report. 
First: Dan
Seconded: Clint
Motion is carried.


Monthly Reporting

a. Cariboo Regional District – presented by CRD Director, Steve Forseth
Steve acclaimed again as area director. Thanks for your support. 
Fire Commissioner says that fire inspections of public buildings must be equal across the province. We will be contesting.
No elections for our area. 
The highways bumps have been reported. A grader will come back in and redo it. 
We are getting a new foreman for our area. Sounds like it will be a senior employee.
Last board meeting on Wednesday for the term. 
Budget meeting in December. 
Recycling Depot is back.

2023 session, residents are invited to provide feedback to the CRD for what is or isn’t working.

Apple: Can we get a trash receptacle for the tourist kiosk? Can we contact the ministry of Highway to pick up the trash if we get a receptacle at the tourist center.

b. Mcleese Lake Fire Department 

Dan: The Firehall BBQ is good to go! 

JP: Can we move the firehall bottle bin at the store?

c. Community Watch

More cameras have been placed in the community. 

d. Hall Grounds Keeping/ Maintenance

Motion to hire Ty and review work.

First: Dennis
Second: Dan
Motion carried.

We will be posting the hall cleaning position in the spring. We will revisit the details of the job posting.

Roof was inspected and looks fine. 

Motion to get a quote for an extended roof line along the side. Passed unanimously. 

We are removing the gutter addition in the five year plan. Discussed and agreed.

Motion to proceed with upgrading electrical in the hall: all the plugs, smart thermostat, fixing the outdoor lights to be timed, installation of a few more power outlets. 

– Community works spending can provide funding for this project.
– fire detectors expired and need to be replaced. 
– Dana will apply.

Motion passed by board to proceed.



Old Business

a. Status of the MCLR Facility Rental agreement us currently under law review by Coral.

b. Provincial corporate land owners form that is due Nov. 1 is with the lawyers and being handled. Someone will be in contact from the corporate division. 

c. Mcleese Lake Recreation Commission Events Planning

  i. Halloween Party in October with tailgate trick or treating, October 29th. Trick or treat, dance, costume contest, fireworks. We need volunteers to help set-up Wednesday/Thursday/Friday to decorate. Sign up sheet will be posted on FB and the store (community board by the mail boxes). 

  ii. Next Bingo is October 25th. Community feedback: Can we have it on a Saturday? 
Possible in November. 

 iii. Christmas Potluck (December 10) planning for this year – to revisit in the fall. We will wait until end of October.

d. Status of Signage for event usage and other items requested

  i. Portable fencing to section off the hall grounds (cancelled)

  ii. Create a holder for a post in the ground where we can put a sign pole in (DONE)

  iii. Sandwich board sign is ordered and we are awaiting 6 of them.

g. Brianna – update on strong start event

Judy/Dana spent 1K for toys and supplies and set up parent and tot group which will begin October 11, two times a week. 

h. Upgrade Hall Phone. The current one’s battery is failing. _DONE


i. Recommendation for location businesses to add to Mcleese Lake Website

General Store, Pub, Farmer’s Market vendors from Mcleese. 

j. Getting the Farmer’s Market back to Mcleese Lake

Not coming back.




New Business

Firehall property to be discussed at the next meetings new business.



Discussions from the Floor / Community

Questions or concerns: none raised. 


Announcements: none



Next meeting

Tuesday, November 1

Motion to move the meeting times to 6:30 PM for the remainder of winter/early spring.

Majority of board votes carries the motion. 

Meeting Adjourned at 8:03 PM.