Mcleese Lake


250 302 2180

Mcleese Lake Recreation Commission
Regular Board Meeting Minutes

SEPT 6, 2022


Call to Order at 7:02 PM

Members Present:

  • Andrew Walker (President)
  • Ian Hicks (Vice President)
  • Malyna Apple Senger (Secretary)
  • Judy Boyetchko (Director & Events Committee Chair)
  • Eva Loewen (Director)
  • Clint Engelhart (Director)
  • Kate McAlister (Director)
Members Absent and Reason:
Dana Crowley (away at the coast)
Dan Harrison (family)
Guests: none 


Additions or Deletions to the Agenda?

Additions to new business:

  1. Upgrade Hall Phone
  2. Recommendations on local businesses to add to Mcleese Lake Website
  3. Getting Farmers Market back to Mcleese Lake?
  4. Trash Receptacles for Mcleese Lake Tourist Center (there currently is none)

Motion to adopt agenda as amended:

First: Judy

Seconded: Clint

Motion is carried. 


Adoption of Meeting Minutes from August 2 Regular Board Meeting

Any errors or omissions?

Motion to accept minutes: 

Unanimously passed by Board


Correspondence (Mail or Email)

Secretary’s Correspondence: none at this time

Treasurer’s Correspondence: (Presented by Judy)


Treasurer’s Report

(Available upon request)

Summary of Accounts:

  • Bank Balance $ 50,818.02
  • Beautification $100.10
  • Capital Accounts Balance $50,744.67
  • Hall Rental Balance $ 12,510.97
Recent spending and cheques received discussed. 

Motion to accept treasurer’s report. 
First: Andrew
Seconded: Judy
Motion is carried.


Monthly Reporting

a. Cariboo Regional District – presented by CRD Directory, Steve Forseth
None at this time, Steve is away on business

b. Mcleese Lake Fire Department 

Two incidents to report:

  • Big house fire with possible animal casualties
  • Small Forest fire taken care of without issue

Brad MacMillan has own fire truck and can be called upon in an emergency.

Closer to getting charitable status as well.

c. Community Watch

Close to getting all cameras set-up. They are currently completed set-up at the hall and school now. More to come.

d. Hall Grounds Keeping/ Maintenance

Alan is back to school. He did a great job on the lawn care. We will need to find someone next spring. 

Eva volunteered to change the letters for the community news and events.



Old Business

a. Status of the MCLR Facility Rental agreement us currently under law review by Coral.

b. Provincial corporate land owners form that is due Nov. 1 is with the lawyers and being handled.

c. Mcleese Lake Recreation Commission Events Planning

  i. Halloween Pary in October with tailgate trick or treating, October 29th. Trick or treat, dance, costume contest, fireworks. We need volunteers to help set-up Wednesday/Thursday/Friday to decorate.

 ii. Christmas Potluck planning for this year – to revisit in the fall. We will wait until end of October.

d. Work Bees for sign post installation and marquee sign installtion (need a couple of lifters)

e. Status of Signage for event usage and other items requested

  i. Portable fencing to section of the hall grounds

  ii. Create a holder for a post in the ground where we can put a sign pole in

  iii. Sandwich board sign to be sourced. 

f. Status of the installation of hardware in roof for lights for wedding event (approved) by Lawni Langstaff – Not installed yet. 

g. Fixing Drainage and foundational issues – 30K approved to do so. Quote has been received from Ron. He will loan equipment and we can have volunteers to jack hammer to reduce the cost. 

h. Brianna – update on strong start event to happen at the hall for new moms/kids?

 – we need to follow up if they have enough parents/kids and what the need for support. 


New Business

1. Upgrade Hall Phone. The current one’s battery is failing. 

Motioned passed unanimously to allocate funds to ugrade the phone. 

2. Recommendation for location businesses to add to Mcleese Lake Website

General Store, Pub, Farmer’s Market vendors from Mcleese. 

3. Getting the Farmer’s Market back to Mcleese Lake

There was some interest to return on long weekends if the infrastructure is suitable. We may need to move one or two of the antiques. 

Malyna will be checking in with Jan of the Alexandria Farmer’s Market group what else we can do. 

4. Trash receptable for Mcleese Lake Tourist center (there currently is none). 

We would like to talk to Steve for his advice on resources for this endeavor. 



Discussions from the Floor / Community

Questions or concerns: none

Announcements: none



Next meeting

Tuesday, October 4th

Meeting Adjourned at 7:37 PM.